During my career, I have presented numerous talks and facilitated clinical conversations, which can be adapted for a variety of events, including trainings for clinicians, education for the general public, and more. These presentations can be modified to fit each event; from a 30 minute talk, to a 90 minute keynote, to a weekend retreat, depending on your organization's needs. My fee, length of talk, and other details can be discussed by phone at 512-419-0600 or by email at I am also the founder of the Contemporary Relationships Conference - the annual event on LGBTQ dating, relationships, & family.

A Sample of Past Presentations
Turning Conflict Into Connection: Tools From The Gottman Approach And Dan Wile’s Collaborative Couple Therapy, , with Vagdevi Meunier, PsyD, Contemporary Relationships Conference, May 1, 2021
Trailblazers & Pioneers: Wisdom From A Couple Together 47 Years, Contemporary Relationships Conference, May 2, 2020
The Boomerang Effect: Research-Based Practices That Bring Love Back To You, Contemporary Relationships Conference, May 4, 2019
The Daily Temperature Reading: A Simple App That Enhances Intimacy, Contemporary Relationships Conference, May 4, 2019
Faith in Transition: The Journey of a Conservative Christian Parent of a Transgender Child, Interview with Kimberly Shappley, Contemporary Relationships Conference, May 5, 2018
Anatomy of Attachment: Advanced Skills Any Couple Can Learn and Any Therapist Can Teach, Contemporary Relationships Conference, May 5, 2018
What the Science Says About Intimate Love Relationships: Simple Yet Practical Strategies To Ignite Connection, Both In And Out Of The Bedroom, Journey Imperfect Faith Community, September 16, 2017
Working Collaboratively with LGBTQ Couples and Families, American Family Therapy Academy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 3, 2017
Q Marriage Mentors: LGBTQ Couples Passing It On, Contemporary Relationships Conference, Houston, Texas, May 3, 2017
Are Public Displays of Affection Queer?: Reflections on Intimate Expression in the Post-Marriage Equality Era, Contemporary Relationships Conference, Austin, Texas, May 14, 2016
Queering Connection: Working Collaboratively with LGBTQ Individuals and Families, MetroHealth Conference, Cleveland, Ohio,
May 22, 2015
Choose to Love: Deconstructing Heterosexism and Embracing Self, Others, and Community, Contemporary Relationships Conference, Austin, Texas, May 16, 2015
Connecting Between Love & Lust: The Essential Traits of Vibrant LGBT Relationships, Contemporary Couples Conference, Austin, Texas, May 17, 2014
Intimacy, Attachment, & Sex: Research-based Tips for Love Relationships, Austin, Texas, February 9, June 8, and October 12, 2013
Responding Ethically to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Heterosexism, Texas Psychological Association Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, November 3, 2012, with Marsha McDonough, Ph.D.
Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: History, Harm, & Heterosexism, American Counseling Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26, 2011
Trailblazers & Pioneers: New Ideas on LGBT Relationships, MCC Austin Educational Series, Austin, Texas, February 14, 2010
Passionate Pairs: What Science Tells Us About LGBT Relationships, recurring workshop, Austin, Texas, March 21, and November 7, 2009
Ethics and Conversion Therapy: From Hierarchy to Inquiry, AAMFT 66th Annual Conference,
Memphis, Tennessee, November 2, 2008, with Marsha McDonough, Ph.D.
Passionate Pairs: What Science Tells Us About LGBT Relationships, recurring workshop (some co-presented with Sue Marriott, LCSW) Austin, Texas, 1998 - 2005