Current Projects

CONTEMPORARY RELATIONSHIPS CONFERENCE: Founder of this annual conference on dating, relationships, and family in the LGBT community. The inaugural event in 2014 drew presenters and attendees from 26 cities around the country. For more information, visit the conference website at

Finnerty, P., Kocet, M, & Lutes, J. (publication pending, 2015). General Guidelines for Counseling the LGBTQI+ Population. In Filmore, J., Ginicola, M., & Smith, C., (Eds). Counseling for Gender, Affectional Orientation and Identity Issues: Developing Multicultural Competence with the LGBTQI+ Population, American Counseling Association

LGBT-Affirmative Therapy: A Collaborative Approach - keynote speaker at the MetroHealth Medical Center conference, May 21st and 22nd, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. This will be the 17th annual conference held on cutting edge issues that are of importance to the professional community.